Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ghanaian Players Stranded In Turkey

DOZENS OF young football talents from Ghana are presently going waste in Turkey, Daily Guide Sports has observed.

These Ghanaian players have become stranded and not knowing what to do to survive in Turkey.

Mostly in their teens, these young players have journeyed from Ghana to Turkey in search of greener pastures.

DAILY GUIDE SPORTS gathered that most of these players travelled to Turkey to find clubs to play for and expand their talents.

Sadly, most of these teens paid monies to football agents in order to make the trip to Turkey.

These football agents assured the players back in Ghana that they would easily find clubs in Turkey for them.

Unknown to these players, they needed proper documentation and other key items in order to qualify them to get a club in Turkey.

The documentation and other issues beyond the control of these players have landed them in trouble in Turkey, the paper was told.

Most of the players that spoke to DAILY GUIDE SPORTS on condition of anonymity said they had regretted leaving Ghana.

They said their dreams of getting a club had so far failed to materialise basically due to documentation.

The players said their talent was not in doubt but because they do not have proper documents no club wants to offer them a deal.

Sadly, they disclosed that even where to lay their heads and getting a decent meal had become a problem for them.

Most of them complained bitterly that football agents that ferried them to Turkey could not be reached to help them.

Asked why they were not returning to Ghana, they said they didn’t have the means to purchase plane ticket.

They said they would be extremely happy if Ghana government could come to their aid.
Source: I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Istanbul, Turkey.

Martin Amidu - "I Won’t Regret Dying In Defence Of Ghana"

Former Attorney General Martin Amidu says he will not regret dying in defence of Ghana.

In his latest statement describing as “false, malicious, baseless and libelous publications", certain comments made about him in reference to the recent Waterville judgment debt ruling, Mr. Amidu says some subgroups within his own party, National Democratic Congress, are seeking to "endanger his life".

Read the full statement as issued by Mr Martin Amidu below.


I have read the online reportage in citifmonline, of 23rd June 2013, a vilifying statement made about me by one Victor Kojoga Adawudu who is described as a member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Legal Team. Mr. Adawudu accuses me in some portions expressly and in other portions impliedly of having taken away some documents from the Attorney General’s Department resulting in the latter’s inability to pursue claims against Waterville and Woyome. I write to refute the allegations as baseless, false, malicious and libelous publications intended by the office of the Attorney General to vilify me for fulfilling my constitutional obligation of defending the 1992 Constitution pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 thereof.

I returned from New York on 22nd December 2011 having made up my mind never to take possession of the Waterville/Woyome file or allow it to be left in my office. This was because I was lucky to have travelled to the 10th Session of the International Criminal Court at the United Nations Head office in New York with Mr. Cecil Adadevoh, a Senior State Attorney. When the Woyome judgment debt scandal broke out in New York, the Acting Director of Public Prosecutions who had also travelled with me to New York came to inform me that Mr. Cecil Adadevoh had told her he was the Attorney working up to Mr. Samuel Nerquaye-Tetteh (Chief State Attorney) on the case. I debriefed Mr. Adadevoh in the presence of the Acting Director of Public Prosecution and he disclosed amongst other things that the office did not have the original docket on the Waterville/Woyome cases. It transpired that the Attorney General’s Department had all along been using an incomplete file allegedly built by Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh without a copy of any of the two signed contracts dated 26th April 2006 on file.

Consequently, on 23rd December 2011 when the file was brought to my office by the Chief State Attorney, Samuel Nerquaye-Tetteh, in the company of the Solicitor-General (Mrs. Amma Gaisie) for my first briefing on the Alfred Agbesi Woyome judgment debt scandal which had infected the Ghanaian political environment, I never took custody of the file or permitted it to be left in my office. I am out of that office but I hope Mr. Adadevoh would be honourable enough to confirm that anytime he wanted me to have the file I asked him to make available to me only photocopies of the relevant pages we had discussed.

There was, therefore, no way by which I could have taken copies of the documents from Waterville/Woyome files to deprive that Office of pursuing the cases when I left office. Incidentally, the exhibits annexed to the Attorney General’s Statement of 1st Defendant’s Case prepared, signed, and filed in the Supreme Court by Chief State Attorney, Mrs. Dorothy Afriyie-Ansah, which contains documents which were not in the incomplete file exposes the lies being supplied by the Attorney General’s office to the NDC Legal Team with the active approval of the Government to vilify me as a documents’ thief. For example, the two signed contracts with Waterville dated 26th April 2006 were not on the file at the time the settlements were made but upon my advice the Attorney General’s Department got copies which were duly filed.

The story Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh told the Deputy Attorney General, Barton Odro, the Solicitor General, Amma Abuakwa Gaisie, the Chief Director, Ahmed Suleiman and my poor self at the meeting of 23rd December 2011 was that the original file got missing since 2006 when he delivered the file to the then, Attorney General, Hon. Joe Ghartey, who never returned same when he was leaving office in 2009. I asked Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh whether he delivered the file to Hon Joe Ghartey through the approved process by ensuring it was signed and received at the Attorney General’s office.

He said: “No! ”. I asked him what evidence he had that he delivered the file to Hon. Joe Ghartey to enable me write to Hon. Joe Ghartey to return the file or indicate the officer with whom he left it in the Ministry. Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh replied that he had none. He indicated that the file in his current possession was built by him from scratch that was why the documents were incomplete. I asked the Solicitor-General to ensure that her office contacted the Ministries and Departments involved in the case to have copies of at least the signed contracts on file before an investigation came to discover that the Attorney General’s office at that time settled the cases without seeing signed copies of the contracts.

I instructed the Solicitor-General, Mrs. Amma Abuakwa Gaisie, as the head of the Civil Division of the Attorney General’s office on 23rd December 2011 to supervise the building of a complete file on the Waterville/Woyome case and assumed it had been done. I left office in the evening of 19th January 2012 without being allowed to hand over or say good bye to the staff. Does the fact that the Attorney General was permitted by the technical staff to settle the alleged Waterville/Woyome judgment debts without reading the complete file not reflect disgracefully on the Solicitor General who is presumed to be the most technically knowledgeable legal officer in the Department and also as head of the Civil Division?

On 13th January 2012 Captain Kojo Tsikata (Rtd), former PNDC Member, who I considered a mentor persuaded me forcefully in the Chief of Staff’s conference room not to resign but to pursue the objects of the June 4 and the 31st December Revolution by ensuring that I went to Court to retrieve the Woyome monies for Ghana. I had in writing demanded a draft amended Writ, and Statement of Claim to the Woyome case from the Solicitor General for my further action before filing at the High Court on 16th January 2012 which she never produced as at the close of work of Friday 13th January 2012. I respected Captain Tsikata as a mentor and elder, and acceded to his pleas.

I then called the Acting Chief Director to summon the Solicitor General, Mrs. Nana Dontoh, and Mrs. Afriyei-Ansah, (both Chief State Attorneys) to wait and meet me in my office to start the processes of drafting and filing the amendment on Monday. I explained to the meeting what was to be done to retrieve the monies not only from Woyome but also how we were to join Waterville and Austro Invest to the suit after the High Court had granted us the amendment of both the writ and statement of claim. I directed the Chief Director to make available all logistics to enable the officers assembled to work on the Saturday and Sunday. I explained to the team when we met on Sunday evening why each of the reliefs was couched in the manner it was written and what informed each paragraph of the Statement of Claim. I repeated several times that we had to join Waterville and Austro Invest to enable us move the High Court to refer the constitutional issues to the Supreme Court as our ultimate aim.

Why did the Solicitor General not ensure the joinder of Waterville and Austro Invest to the suit when the amendments were granted? I had settled the pleadings in such a way that no further amendment was needed after the joinder. There was no way the office could prove its case without joining at least Waterville to the action. The judgment and orders of the Supreme Court delivered on 14th June 2013 now makes the case against Woyome easy as he would be unable to rely on anything related to the Waterville contracts of 2006.

Mr. Adawudu should have known that not being a member of the Attorney General’s Department, even a fool will know that his falsehood that I took office documents away when my appointment was revoked was fed to him by the Government through the Attorney General’s office. The Solicitor General and her office who passed on the falsehood to the current Attorney General should be ashamed of themselves for maligning me just because I undertook a defence of the 1992 Constitution when the office failed to advice the then Attorney General that international business or economic transactions such as the Waterville and Isofoton contracts could not be settled when they had not been approved by Parliament.

In any case was it not the same Solicitor General who supported Nerquaye-Tetteh’s memorandum in her memo of 3rd November 2011 to me requesting me to authorize the withdrawal of the Woyome action pending at the High Court and to make further payment to Woyome which I refused to endorse? At that time I had not yet been informed as the Attorney General that Nerquaye-Tetteh was suspected of having been paid an amount GH¢400,000.00 by Woyome, half of which he used to deposit for a house at Ridge and the other half used in buying treasury bills. It was later alleged that the cheque was issued in the name of his wife. Under the watch of the Solicitor General, her officers were operating on incomplete files in settling unconstitutional contracts, so why am I being accused unjustifiably by the Government which is still comfortable working with the Mr. Nerquaye-Tetteh’s and their likes.

Background checks I quickly made on Mr. Victor Kojoga Adawudu indicates that he was a junior in Awoonor Law Consultancy (ALC) who arbitrated the alleged Waterville claims and awarded Waterville the 25 million Euro which the Supreme Court ordered to be refunded on 14th June 2013. He moved out of Awoonor Law Consultancy just a few months ago to set up chambers with friends at Adabraka. This is the member of the NDC Legal Team who is being used by a former partner in Lithur Brew & Company (Lawyers for Austro Invest) who is now Attorney General to vilify me for allegedly taking office documents away when I left office. The use of a political party’s legal team to vilify a senior member of that political party without any sanction from the political party sends a wrong signal when the Constitution of that party mandates a defence of probity, and accountability. The founder of the NDC has shown NDC and the Government what the NDC stands for but alas those now in control cannot hear nor see the way to probity and accountability?

Finally I have to say that the Government and those subgroups in the NDC who are against the results of the two Supreme Court judgments have persistently endangered my life and personal security since I commenced my action in the Supreme Court in June 2012. By continuing to vilify me even after the Supreme Court has spoken the Government and its aggrieved party friends are literally informing the foreign companies and other aggrieved Ghanaians that they are at liberty to endanger my life and personal security. Whatever happens, I, Martin Alamisi Amidu will not regret dying for defending the Constitution and people of Ghana – Ghana a naturally rich country in which the vast majority of the youth, even with university degrees, are unemployed and poverty is avoidably daily extinguishing the lives of my fellow citizens. Fear is the enemy of Change!

Martin A. B. K Amidu

Post Script
I phoned Mr. Charles Takyi-Boadu of Daily Guide at 3:20 pm today, 27th June 2013, to thank him for reading my current thoughts by re-publishing a previous story under the title: “My Life in Danger Martin Amidu cried Out” yesterday. I told him my statement of rejoinder to the accusation of my theft of documents from the Attorney General’s office will be posted today to appear on my webpage tomorrow morning. I asked him to send me his email address so I could send him a copy, which he did. At 3.58 pm the National Security Coordinator phoned to say he had just returned from abroad and read the concerns about my security and wanted us to talk. I asked him to read an email I had sent to him on Friday 21st June 2013 first and let us continue talking. I add this post script to this statement for purposes of accountability and transparency to the public as I completed this statement of rejoinder on 24th June 2013 but had to let it abide my statement of rejoinder in answer to the Ministry of Information and Government’s allegation of my failure to name the names of those who committed the gargantuan judgment debt crimes against the people of Ghana. That statement of rejoinder was published on 26th June 2013. Long live the concept of “Ghana First”.

Source: Martin A. B. K Amidu

Prez Mahama Is Talking Too Much – Kweku Baako

Editor-in-chief of the New Crusading Guide newspaper, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako has cautioned President John Dramani Mahama to be careful in his comments regarding the ongoing election petition before the Supreme Court.

According to him, “the president is talking too much” and cautioned that, “he should avoid a situation where it becomes a pattern.”

Mr Baako made the admonition Wednesday on Accra-based Peace FM in relation to the caution issued by the nine-member Supreme Court panel hearing the petition challenging the 2012 elections that it would not hesitate to crack the whip on any one found culpable of making unacceptable statements on proceedings.

President Mahama is on record to have said that justice would be served by the Supreme Court by acknowledging that the 2012 presidential elections were free and fair in nature.

He made this statement on Monday, June 10, 2013 at the NDC party headquarters during the celebration of the party’s 21st anniversary. His comments were, however, did not sit well with the opposition NPP which rebutted his statement describing it as "reckless and irresponsible".

However, President Mahama again on Sunday, June 23, 2013, at the Mount Horeb Prayer Centre at Mamfe in the Eastern Region reiterated that his presidency was ordained by God.

In his caution, Mr Baako said although he believed that those comments would not affect the mindset of the judges in their adjudication of the case, he thinks the president’s statements were “politically incorrect because of his status as president.”

“But I think the president is talking too much on this matter. He should avoid a situation where it becomes a pattern because he is a party to the litigation and he is the president of the country,” he said. “I think it is one too many. If it becomes a pattern, it is not the best because he is the first gentleman of the land,” he added.

Meanwhile, following Monday’s warning, the court has issued yet another warning that it will not sit by and watch irresponsible conduct that can lead the country into anarchy go unpunished.

The Court has, thus, served notice it was going to deal with comments by a deputy Director of Communications of the New Patriotic Party, Sammy Awuku. Sammy Awuku is on record to have described the Supreme Court’s earlier warning to the media and party representatives last Monday as “hypocritical and selective”.

Source: Jasmine Arku/

Friday, June 28, 2013

Selly Is Not A Bad Girl…She Didn’t Have Sex- Selly’s Mother Speaks

In the midst of strong criticism in the media on an alleged sexual intercourse between Ghana’s Selly and sexual animal Nando from Tanzania in the ongoing Big Brother-The Chase, Selly’s mother has finally reacted in defense of her daughter.

Madam Benedicta Galley who spoke in an exclusive interview on Peace FM’s “Entertainment Review” seems to have seen things quite different from what most people are already insinuating. Contrary to what is perceived as a shameful act for Selly to have sex on inter-continental television, her mother still insists that Selorm Galley who is her only child did not have sex.

“In the Big Brother house things are not that open especially about the romantic scenes for everybody to see that people are having sex openly because everything is done under the blanket. We always see male and females together so for me I don’t think they had sex as it is being speculated all over”, madam Galley stressed adding that Ghanaians must not concentrate on the negatives but should rather focus

on the positives and support Selly to bring the money home.
She also made reference to Selly’s boyfriend Praye Tiatia’s refusal to comment on the incident saying she is very happy he didn’t comment and that he is going to wait for Selly herself to come back home and explain what really happened.

On her opinion the whole Big Brother Africa show, madam Benedicta who said she was not really a fun of BBA until her daughter entered, said if you decide to enter it is very difficult to back out along the way so you have to follow the dictates of the game and do whatever you are asked to do because everyone’s target is the ultimate prize so if you back out then it means you have been defeated.

Selly and Nando in bed
Though she thinks that Big Brother have explained to all the housemates how far the game can go so that whoever is not comfortable will not even enter in the first place, she believes that as far as you start the game you should go all out to achieve the reason why you went there.

Asked what she told her daughter before she went to South Africa, the proud mother said “I really advised her because she is not a bad girl. A lot of people knew her before she won the beauty pageant and the few movies she has acted in and she knows herself the kind of home she is from. So it is really surprising that people are thinking that she had sex in front of all the cameras and in front of the whole of Africa when she knows that she has a boyfriend back home whom she is to going get married to very soon”.

“Everything they do there is under the blanket. Sometimes see you two people under the blanket whether they are kissing or whatever they are doing nobody can tell. It is not so plane for people to judge that truly this what went on”.

Asked specifically if she think Nando had sex with Selly or not, she said “I don’t believe Selly had sex. Even Big Brother himself could not go under the blanket to see what really happened because I have seen several other male and female housemates who also were under the blanket doing the same thing so you cannot determine that simply because a male and a female are under the blanket it means they are having sex”, Madam Benedicta Galley emphasized.

BBA: Elikem's Barbershop

Elikem is proving to be a man of many talents.

Apart from being smooth with the ladies, Elikem is the king of smoothing out unruly locks. This morning, the sexy Ghanaian showed off his impressive skills with an electric shaver and comb.

First on the barber’s chair was Bassey, whose beard desperately needed a trim. Even though Bassey looked rugged and sexy peeking out of that forest of facial hair, the Sierra Leonean decided he couldn't go another day without Elikem's touch.

After being groomed to perfection, it was Fatima's turn to get some much needed attention. The Malawian sat quiet as a church mouse in her chair as Elikem did his thing. After close to 45 minutes of the loud drone of the shaver, Fatima's Mohawk had taken on a funky new life of its own.

Floyd Mayweather plans to retire

Floyd Mayweather Jr. was an impressionable, boxing-loving 5-year-old the day Duk Koo Kim suffered a beating against Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini that cost the young South Korean fighter his life in November 1982.

Mayweather never forgot the horror he witnessed during that infamous fight. It is among the reasons Mayweather wants to retire from this brutal business a healthy, wealthy man, long before one of the most effective defensive fighters ever is physically unable to avoid taking punishment in a boxing ring that could ruin his life once he stops fighting for a living.

“I wish Ali could be in a better predicament at this particular point in time, so, of course, I could joke with him and have fun with him,” a reflective Mayweather said during the 11-city, nine-day press tour to promote his Sept.

14 pay-per-view showdown with Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. “And, you know, Sugar Ray Leonard’s got a detached retina. So you just look at a lot of abuse that these fighters have took. And I don’t want to be in that same position, taking that type of punishment. But Sugar Ray Leonard’s still very articulate and he’s a legend. Ali’s a legend, too.”

Boxing’s unbeaten pound-for-pound king later added, “I’ve got to think about my life after boxing. So I think about my four beautiful children.”

The 36-year-old Mayweather (44-0, 26 KOs) has said he’ll likely retire after fulfilling the lucrative six-fight, 30-month contract he signed with Showtime four months ago. If the Grand Rapids, Mich., native adheres to that timetable, he would be 38 when he walks away from this dangerous game.

Though Mayweather has bet seven figures on single sporting events and lives a lavish lifestyle, his handlers also are certain that he won’t have to fight strictly for money once he completes a contract that’ll pay Mayweather a guarantee of $32 million per fight.

“One thing we can say is Floyd Mayweather will retire a very, very wealthy young man, with a lot of money,” said Leonard Ellerbe, one of Mayweather’s advisers. “He will never, ever be in a [bad financial] situation, no matter what happened in the past to other fighters.

He will be a great example of a young man who had a phenomenal career, who was the best to ever do it, and retired undefeated, with several hundred millions of dollars in the bank. And healthy.”

Favourites Spain will face Brazil in the Confederations Cup final after a dramatic 7-6 penalty shoot-out victory against Italy in Fortaleza.

 Favourites Spain will face Brazil in the Confederations Cup final after a dramatic 7-6 penalty shoot-out victory against Italy in Fortaleza.

Spain substitute Jesus Navas drilled in the decisive penalty after Italy defender Leonardo Bonucci missed.

Italy dominated much of the 90 minutes but were left to pay for their misses.  Emanuele Giaccherini hit the Spain post in extra-time, while Gianluigi Buffon pushed Xavi's shot on to the woodwork.

Each of the first 12 penalties were converted in a high-quality shoot-out before Bonucci blasted his effort over Iker Casillas's crossbar.

His miss allowed new Manchester City winger Navas to coolly convert past Buffon to set up an eagerly anticipated clash against the host nation, 2-1 winners against Uruguay in their semi-final, in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday.

But the complexion of the match would have been totally different had Italy, without injured striker Mario Balotelli, not squandered a host of goalscoring chances.

The Azzurri dominated a high-tempo first half as the tactical instructions of boss Cesare Prandelli - to stay tight and compact defensively before breaking quickly down the Spanish flanks - were carried out to perfection.

Spain, who beat their opponents 4-0 in the Euro 2012 final, looked vulnerable as they failed to cope with the Italian raids, but were left unpunished.

 Italy wing-back Christian Maggio was the outstanding performer in a frenetic first half as he worried Spanish left-back Jordi Alba with his pace and movement down the right flank.

The Napoli player missed three gilt-edged chances, notably when heading straight at Casillas from six yards when unmarked, as well as creating spurned opportunities for Alberto Gilardino and Claudio Marchisio.

The stern expression etched across coach Vincente del Bosque's face as the game approached half-time epitomised Spain's worries.  Having guided the world and European champions to a record 28 competitive matches without defeat, the veteran coach has rarely seen his side struggle. But, despite his half-time intervention, their lethargic approach continued after the interval.

Italy, backed by a large vocal support inside the Estadio Castelao, continued to press with Marchisio denied by a desperate block from Gerard Pique and Giorgio Chiellini heading Andrea Pirlo's corner onto the roof of the Spanish net.

However, the energy of the hard-working Italians started to wane as they felt the effects of sweltering temperatures in northern Brazil.

Spain found renewed energy as the game entered extra-time - Xavi and Andres Iniesta pushing and probing the tiring Italian defence with their slick interchanges.
 Pique saw a shot blocked, Daniele De Rossi poked clear away from Sergio Ramos and the Real Madrid defender then lashed over as Spain piled on the pressure with a succession of corners.

In the final moments of extra-time, Italy captain Buffon unconvincingly pushed Xavi's arcing long-range shot onto his left-hand post and escaped further punishment when Javi Martinez steered the rebound wide.

Seconds later, Navas's drilled cross was palmed away by Buffon as the Italians held out for penalties after a breathless finale.

Buffon and Casillas were virtual bystanders in a shoot-out full of cool finishes, but it was Spain who were left celebrating after Navas's winner and they travel to Rio aiming to add the Confederations Cup to their trophy haul. Ahead of the match, nearly 90 people were arrested for rioting outside the stadium in Fortaleza.

Ken Korankye to honour Judges’ invitation but…

Publisher of the Daily Searchlight newspaper, Ken Korankye, has told Joy News although he will honour the Supreme Court’s invitation on Tuesday July 2, he would rather he was served a formal, written notification.

According to Mr. Korankye, a written notification would have given him a chance to prepare an appropriate defence before appearing before the panel of Judges hearing the election petition case.

“Unfortunately in this particular instance what you have is a verbal invitation and a reference to the frontpage comment [on the Daily Searchlight]”, said Ken Korankye.

He said as it stands now, he has been left groping in the dark on the defence to mount, but he was hopeful there would be "light at the end of the tunnel" on Tuesday.

Ken Korankye and two others are wanted by the court for their contemptuous comments on the ongoing election petition hearing.

Steven Atubiga, Member of Government communications team and Kwaku Boahen, NDC Ashanti Regional Youth Organiser would also have to appear before the court on Tuesday.

However, Stephen Atubiga has rendered an apology from “the bottom of his heart” to the Justices of the Supreme Court via Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen in an attempt to purge himself of the contemptuous comment he made in respect of the ongoing petition.

Statement: NPP accuses NDC of intimidating the judiciary

The NPP wishes to draw the attention of the public to what we see to be deliberate, disturbing trend on the part of the ruling NDC in their commentary on the election petition.

On the 10th of December 2012, shortly after the NPP gave notice of filing a petition to challenge the results of the presidential election, senior Government communicator, Lawyer Kakra Essamua, said on Asempa FM, “The NPP and its appendages should not elude themselves into thinking that “their agents in the law courts will help them because government will not allow them to perpetrate lawlessness in the country. If anybody with two regions wants to be president of this country; I, from the Central region, will support a coup.”

In recent times, as the trial of the election petition peaks, the President, his Ministers and communicators appear to be preparing the minds of their supporters to rejecting any decision of the Supreme Court that may declare his election invalid.

On Tuesday, a day after the Justice William Atuguba court gave its final warning to the public against utterances that could bring the judiciary into disrepute or disturb the peace of the nation, The NDC’s posture of not accepting the verdict of the Supreme Court was re-echoed by host of MultiTV’s Majority Caucus, Ali Dawood.

On Tuesday 25th June, Mr Dawood said on MultiTV, “I do not see any Supreme Court over-turning any decision made by the EC. In other words President Mahama’s presidency is going to be intact. If anything at all, it is going to be confirmed by the Supreme Court and that there is never going to be a time, whether 2013 or the years to come, where we will have over-turning of verdicts in the Supreme Court, it is not going to happen. For all of you NDC, including NP, neutral minded persons watching me, nothing is going to come out of the Supreme Court case. No Supreme Court is going to over-turn any decision, take it from me.”

Before that, a leading communicator of the NDC, Gabby Assumeng on the 21st of June 2013 on Okay FM called for a “civil war” should the Supreme Court declare that Nana Akufo-Addo rightfully won the 2013 elections.

He said, “I tell you that, look this election which the NDC has won genuinely, there is no place for Nana Addo; H.E President Mahama will make his 4 years mandate and there is nobody, Nana Addo, on the face of the pink sheet, to be a President, then maybe we are calling for civil war in this country, I am telling you.”

Dr Clement Apaak and Mr Bernard Mornah, members of a newly formed pro-NDC Government group, Coalition of Ghanaian Voters, said at a public forum in Tamale, on the 22nd of June 2013, that the Supreme Court has no power to declare Nana Akufo-Addo, the 1st petitioner, President. Indeed Bernard Mornah at the event told sympathisers of the NDC, not to entertain any fears that the ongoing election petition could be declared to favour the petitioners. The PNC General Secretary added that what the court could do was to give recommendations, if any, to the Electoral Commission to implement, “but the court cannot reverse the decision of the EC and declare anybody the winner of the 2012 elections.”

On the 25th of June, a day after Justice Atugubah’s directives asking all to refrain from contemptuous comments, a defeated parliamentary candidate of the National Democratic Congress in the Binduri constituency, Stephen Atubigah, went on Asempa FM’s Ekosi Sen programme threatening that the NDC would not obey the Supreme Court if the ruling went against them and that they were preparing for civil war if the Supreme Court dared overturn the disputed declaration of December 9th, 2012 in favour of the Petitioners.

He said, “If the NPP wins the court case; it will be a bitter-sweet victory because Ghana cannot contain all of us. The foot-soldiers of the NDC are prepared to protect the presidency to the peril of their lives. We will not allow President John Mahama to hand over power even if the Supreme Court rules in favour of the petitioners. We are prepared to meet the NPP boot for boot. We are ever ready; we will not hand over. It will be absurd for anyone to think that after official declaration of results and swearing-in of President Mahama, the court can overturn the verdict of the EC."

When he was asked by the host of the programme to retract these statements, he refused and stated that he had the authority of President Mahama to make these statements.

Stephen Atubigah subsequently granted an interview to Kumasi-based radio station, Boss FM, on the 26th of June 2013 and said, “The NDC will never vacate the presidency, should the Supreme Court declare Nana Addo and NPP victors of the case. We are not and will not in the future get out of government; whatever the Court will say will not be practical, unless such comments are in our favour. There will be mayhem in Ghana if the Court in anyway call victory for the NPP”

We believe strongly that these blatant inflammatory threats to the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court are orchestrated and by minds that do not have the interest of the nation at heart. They appear to have the implicit support of the Government because no action whatsoever has been taken and they feed on similar statements from the President which give the false impression that the Supreme Court has no option but to decide in his favour.

It appears this belligerent posture, starting from the President down to his communicators, is to intimidate the court and let their supporters know that there is no way they can lose the case. It has been deliberately designed to intimidate and frighten the Court into acquiescing in a so-called ‘status quo’. But, the only status that matters here is the Constitution of the Republic.

Article 64(2) provides that the Supreme Court’s declaration will be without prejudice to the acts of a President declared invalid by the Court. This means the Court has the power to annul a presidential election and to do so will be in line with the status quo. The only “status quo” that matters is the Constitution and what can disturb it is rather the NDC’s posture that they will not accept the verdict of the Supreme Court.

If they will not accept then we will do anything per Article 3 to defend the Constitution of the Republic.

Contrary to the carefully crafted propaganda of a party prone to violence, Nana Addo chose to petition the Supreme Court under Article 64. This difficult decision not only had to boldly confront voices urging acquiescence in the name of ‘peace’ but also justify his stance to a cynical international community which usually brushes such fundamental issues aside on the basis of its observer reports. Above all, Nana had to scale the high hurdle of delivering convincing evidence to the Court within twenty one days, a monumental task challenged by the conventional wisdom of accepting the Electoral Commission’s version of ‘credible’ elections.

Every objective Ghanaian would concede that the very act of sending the issue to court has been beneficial to the country. That courageous decision did not only calm the country down but also is poised to foster many significant changes to politics and state institutions in Ghana. And that is why the entire nation is waiting patiently and quietly for the Supreme Court to pronounce. Why then would some start propaganda to pre-empt the decision of the Court with vile threats?

This is not a matter to be taken lightly. The upcoming Martyrs Day this weekend is ample testimony of what can happen if the defenders of liberty go to sleep. About thirty years ago, under the watch of the coup imposed Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC), the political father of the NDC, three erudite Justices and two others lost their lives in a brutal murder in a way that the nation is yet to come to terms with.

At the time, a bold statement of intent about not tolerating lawlessness was made when Ghanaians compelled the PNDC to set up the Special Investigation Board (SIB). After a brave job, the PNDC Government only partially implemented the report, saddling the nation with a culture of impunity which the NDC has escalated to unprecedented heights. What we know, and are proud of as a nation, is that, those Justices defended our liberties with their lives. That is why we continue to celebrate them.

At that time, in their moment of pain, they stood alone. Now, in our moment of national landmark decision making, we want to assure our Justices of the Court that they will never stand alone. We will defend them to the hilt. The NDC will not have its way.

We repeat. This time, the NDC will not have its way.

This society is maturing in its democratic practice. It will not succumb to bare threats of which infamous allusions to killing cats may easily be recalled. It would be a bad mistake to take the quiet Ghanaian for granted. Long suffering, maybe, but not meek. And indeed, with long memories, contrary to what some politicians think.

Ghanaians remember the regime which stripped people of their properties, destroyed families and killed in the name of corruption eradication. Today, they have been found out by EOCO and the Sole Commissioner to have deliberately connived to steal millions from the State. The Supreme Court has confirmed the stealing, labelling it as an alliance to create, loot and share.

Rather than deal decisively with such gargantuan and mind boggling impunity and corruption, the President chooses to join his communication foot-soldier chorus to undermine the Supreme Court. Having told his party faithful that he would be declared President by the Court, he has recently added ‘God ordained’ to his rhetoric. Moreover, he has not seen it fit to respect the Supreme Court by putting in an appearance. Furthermore, he appears to have endorsed and blessed the inflammatory utterances of the coup and civil war mongers among his official communicators by refusing to condemn them or asking that they be investigated.

But we want to assure him. Ghanaians are not cowards. The Constitution is a living document. It cannot be intimidated. Ghanaians will not be intimidated. The preamble and Article 3 are emphatic about our commitment to protect and defend hard won freedoms. Article 41 is a clear call to defend national resources. Our intelligence reports have been confirmed by the latest posture of the NDC. It is as, in the view of the NDC, “if we can’t fight the evidence let us fight the judiciary.”

We want to assure the nine Justices sitting on the election petition panel that the people of Ghana are with them and urge them to do what is just and right.

Nana Akomea,
Director of Communications, NPP

Chinese quench their thirst for French vineyards

Paris (CNN) -- The attack on Chinese students in Hostens, a small town in the South-west of France, allegedly by a group of French youngsters, followed by the largest international wine fair, Vinexpo, in Bordeaux, where Chinese investors were very much present -- and active -- have triggered much talk in France about Chinese investment in the country's vineyards and a backlash against it.

Over the past couple of years, there has been a significant rise of Chinese investment in French wines, notably Bordeaux wines. In line with this, China has recently become the first export market for Bordeaux wines.

But Chinese investors seem to want more than being simple buyers. Many want wines to match their tastes and those of their fellow citizens. That's why they have started to invest in the well-known Chateaux brands, wine domains or wine trading companies. Whether they are buying the entire vineyard or only part of it, Chinese investors want to hold greater control over the final product.

"There are two groups of Chinese buyers," says Michael Baynes, an estate agent in Bordeaux. One is typically from Hong Kong where the people look "for something smaller, something that is more for the passion of wine. And, although they are commercially minded, they are more interested in the wine product itself." Baynes, co-founder of Maxwell-Storrie-Baynes (affiliate of Christie's International Real Estate), talks a bit differently about the mainland Chinese who "will be thinking about all aspects of using the resource to make some maximized returns."

 Peter Kwok fits almost perfectly in Bayne's first description. This businessman from Hong Kong bought the Chateau Haut-Brisson in 1997, in the Bordeaux village of Saint-Emilion. He has since then "invested more and more to increase the quality and the size of the vineyard," says Charles Lemoine, in charge of wine marketing for Kwok. "He comes three to five times a year," adds Lemoine, who describes Kwok as having a real passion for French wine. Indeed Kwok is not just a distant vineyard owner: his love for wine has become a family matter and his children are now very much involved in the business.

So does this trend really come as a big surprise?

French wine has always appealed to foreigners. The Belgians, Dutch, English, Americans, Swedes, etc. have been buying French vineyards for decades, if not centuries. Surely the fact that the Chinese are also starting to invest in these same lands should be a reflection of the global era, nothing more than that.

For Jean-Pierre Rousseau, whose wine trading company Diva Bordeaux was the subject of a 70% investment purchase by Shanghai Sugar Cigarette and Wine, a subsidiary of Bright Food, a state-owned food group, the Chinese are looking for a sense of "recognition", one which he describes as "social." "They are attracted to a European lifestyle, they are of course looking for expensive stuff and wine is part of that lifestyle", he adds.

Undoubtedly, the Chinese seek to invest in French vineyards for the reputation of the wines and their quality. In a way, owning French vineyards gives them credibility. There are even investors who seem to specifically target the Chateaux brands which sound very French such as the "Lafite" or the "Latour" names that are recognizable symbols of French culture.

And the French appear receptive to Chinese investment in their wine, particularly in the Bordeaux region. Rousseau is himself enthusiastic about the Chinese coming to Bordeaux, "they come here to learn, they come here to understand and when they bought some chateaux; they were rather positive in improving the quality." The businessman also likes to wittingly remind people that "in Bordeaux, we welcome them much better than (if) they are in Burgundy."

In fact, he has a point. When Chateau Gevrey-Chambertin was sold to a Chinese investor, the winegrowers of Burgundy were not impressed by the transaction and the manner in which it was handled. The head of the wine syndicate of Gevrey-Chambertin, Jean-Michel Guillon, expressed his disappointment saying that he and his winegrower colleagues were "really sad to see that the only chateau of the 12th century -- with the Clos de Vougeot- will be acquired by a person foreign to the job."

Jean-Michel Guillon, who's been in the wine business for more than 30 years, explains that the purchase of this chateau may cause future and significant financial difficulties for the remaining winegrowers of the region. As the Chinese investor outbid local vintners to pay eight million euros -- more than double the estimated value of the property -- this will change the market prices for vineyards and, as Guillon indicates, taxes on succession rights to these properties will also rise significantly.

But the selling of Gevrey-Chamberton has also caused discontent among local growers because of the nature of the region itself. Burgundy is a lot smaller in comparison to the Bordeaux wine region. So any purchase of a significant vineyard in Burgundy has a much greater impact on the region. Domains are very often a family affair; "each winegrower is also a winemaker," says Guillon with a wholehearted voice.

"What would the Chinese say if Europeans started buying 10 or 20 meters of the Great Wall of China?" asks the Burgundian, semi-smiling, semi-serious.

But ultimately French wine inspires admiration among the Chinese, and the French have something to gain out of this. Plus, the Chinese are not "buying everything"; in Bordeaux, where they invest the most, they have only acquired 1% of the whole wine lands. It's not exactly a huge loss.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

REVEALED: Kwasi Owusu Is The All-Time Leading Scorer Of Black Stars, Not Gyan

Ex-Ghana captain Kwasi Owusu has been credited as the all-time leading scorer of the Black Stars and not Asamoah Gyan.

This follows days of heated debate as to whether Gyan’s 34th goal scored in last Friday’s 3-1 win over Sudan and surpassed Abedi Pele’s total goal haul of 33 was indeed the all-time record for the Black Stars.

Though available records at FIFA and the Ghana FA puts the Al Ain hitman as the current holder of the record of all-time leading scorer, renowned researcher Thomas Freeman Yeboah in his latest work concludes Kwasi Owusu as the ‘real’ all-time leading scorer of the side with 36 goals.

The Metro FM journalist took into consideration the 23 games played by the former Bofoakwa United striker between 1975 – 1977 where Owusu was captain of the Black Stars.

Freeman in his work has excluded games Ghana played against club sides and crucially three goals of the former Ghana captain that was wiped off for a World Cup qualifier against Nigeria in 1973 that was abandoned and later a victory handed to Ghana– otherwise Owusu’s goal tally would have been far in excess of 36.

Below is a breakdown of the games Kwasi Owusu scored in to arrive at a total of 36 international goals.

14/12/1975 Ghana 6-2 Guinea: Kwasi Owusu 3 goals – Olympic Games Qualifer

31/08/1975 Ghana 3-0 Nigeria: Kwasi Owusu pen, Nigeria/Ghana Festival

24/08/1975 Ghana 1-2 Nigeria: Kwasi Owusu, Nigeria/Ghana Festival

27/04/1975 Ghana 4-0 Mali: Kwasi Owusu – Africa Cup of Nations qualifier

20/04/1975 Liberia 1-4 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu 2 goals Olympic Games qualifier

13/04/1975 Mali 3-1 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu, Africa Cup of Nations qualifier

06/04/1975 Ghana 6-0 Liberia: Kwasi Owusu 2 goals, Olympic Games qualifier

17/08/1974 Nigeria 0-1Ghana: Kwasi Owusu, Nigeria/Ghana Festival

10/02/1973 Nigeria 2-3 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu 3 goals World Cup qualifier (FIFA 2-0 awarded). Match abandoned. *Not added to goal tally.

14/01/1973 Guinea 2-1 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu , African Games Sf

10/01/1973 Tanzania 0-1 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu, African Games Rd 1

08/01/1973 Nigeria 4-2 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu, African Games Rd 1

02/07/1972 Ghana 5-1 Dahomey, Kwasi Owusu- World Cup qualifier

18/06/1972 Dahomey 0-5 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu 2 goals – World Cup Qualifier

30/04/1972 Cameroon 0-3 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu – Olympic Games Qualifier

02/05/1971 Ivory Coast 2-6 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu 2 goals – Friendly

07/02/1971 Ghana 2-1 Sierra Leone: Kwasi Owusu – Friendly

19/04/1970 Ghana 1-1 Ivory Coast: Kwasi Owusu – Friendly

15/04/1970 Ghana 3-0 Ivory Coast: Kwasi Owusu – Friendly

11/02/1970 Ghana 1-1 Guinea: Kwasi Owusu – AFRICA Rd 1

07/02/1970 Zaire 0-2 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu 2 goals – AFRICA Rd 1

21/09/1969 Niger 1-9 Ghana: Kwasi Owusu 4 goals – Africa Cup of Nations qualifier

17/08/1969 Ghana 6-0 Niger: Kwasi Owusu 5 goals – Africa Cup of Nations qualifier

This revelation thus puts Asamoah Gyan just two-goals shy of becoming the ‘true’ all-time scorer of the Black Stars.

This however can easily be achieved by the 27-year-old who barring injuries and other extraneous factors is still a long way from international retirement.

Freeman’s work also revealed a list of the first seven top scorers for the Black Stars.

(1) Kwasi Owusu: 36 goals.

(2) Asamoah Gyan: He has scored 34 goals; all recorded recorded in the archives.

(3) Edward Acquah: scored thirty (30) goals as recorded in the archives, but four of the goals had no scorers in the archives.(4) Wilberforce Kwadwo Mfum scored 24 goals as recorded in the archives, but there are about 5 goals without the scorers being recorded in the archives during the period Mfum played for Ghana.

(5) Osei Kofi scored a total of 21 goals as recorded in the archives, but there are about 7 goals without the scorers recorded in the archives during the period Osei played for Ghana.

(6) Abedi Pele scored a total of 19 goals as recorded in the archives, but there are about 7 goals without the scorers recorded in the archives during the period Abedi Pele played for Ghana and Sulley Muntari also on 19 goals.

(7) Tony Yeboah scored a total of 18 goals as recorded in the archives, but there are about 5 goals without the scorers recorded in the archives during the period Tony Yeboah played for Ghana.

Thomas Freeman Yeboah is a renowned Ghanaian sports researcher credited for putting some of the vital erratic errors in Ghana sports right.

Some of his renowned work was when he revealed John Mensah was to be attributed with Ghana’s 100th goal at the Nations Cup when it had initially been handed to Emmanuel Agyemang-Badu.

He is also credited with putting the facts right as to the number of total league titles won by Asante Kotoko – it was initially captured that Kotoko had won 22 league crowns when in fact it was 21.
A 20-year-old unemployed standing trial at a Kumasi Circuit Court for possessing cannabis (Indian Hemp) caused drama at the court when he denied that the substance was not leaves but sticks.

The substance has already been sent to the Police Forensic Laboratory and had tested positive with the weight value of 17.47 grammes.

Ibrahim Mohammed, who pleaded not guilty to the charge, has been ordered by the court to be remanded into prison custody and to re-appear on Friday, June 14.

Chief Superintendent Moses Atibillah told the court presided over by Mr Emmanuel Amo-Yartey that one George Owusu, complainant in the case, on November 26, 2012, reported a robbery case against Ibrahim to the Asuofua Police in the Atwima-Nwabiagya District of Ashanti.

He was arrested three days later from his hide-out and handed over to the police.

A search on him uncovered the substance and was further handed to the Drug Enforcement Unit of the Ashanti Regional Police Command.

Messi's lawyers ready for legal battle after tax evasion claims

( Lionel Messi's legal and fiscal council Angel Juarez has stressed the Barcelona star has not been notified that a complaint has been filed over his alleged tax fraud, and added that the attacker's lawyers are ready for a potential legal battle with the Spanish tax authorities.

Prosecutor Raquel Amado is investigating claims that the Argentine and his father have avoided paying the charges due from sales of the 25-year-old's image rights by operating through companies based outside of the country, and filed a complaint with the courthouse in the Gava district of Barcelona on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Messi expressed his surprise at the accusations and is adamant they have not committed any infringement, adding that his legal representatives are equally confident about the outcome of the case.

"We'd like to express our surprise with the news published by several media outlets. Neither us, nor our client has received any notification from the prosecutor in relation to what has been reported," a statement signed by Juarez reads.

"As his legal and fiscal council, we will take all the appropriate legal action against the complaint of the prosecutor and we are confident that justice will prevail."

Under Spanish law, Messi could face a maximum penalty of six years in prison if found guilty.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Jnr appointed COO of uniBank (Ghana) Limited

The Board of Directors of uniBank (Ghana) Limited has appointed Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Jnr as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Bank with effect from Monday, June 10, 2013.

Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Jnr was until this appointment, the Executive Director in charge of Finance, Strategy, Corporate banking, Treasury, Human Resource Management, amongst others.

He holds a PH.D in Finance and a M.Sc. in Banking and International Finance from the Cass Business School, United Kingdom.

He is also a graduate of the University of Southampton, United Kingdom.

Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Jnr is an Alumnus of the prestigious Ghana International School where he did his Ordinary and Advance levels education, majoring in Mathematics, Economics and Chemistry.

Until his appointment as the Executive Director of uniBank (Ghana) Limited, Dr. Kwabena Duffour Jnr worked with the Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Limited as a Credit Analyst (in Charge of local Corporates, Origination and Client Coverage); Ghana International Bank Plc London (Treasury Dept.) and Star Assurance Company Limited as Underwriter Trainee.

The new Chief Operating Officer currently serves on many Boards including uniBank (Ghana) Limited, Prime Insurance Company Limited; Alban Logistics; Apex Capital Group and uniSecurities Ltd.

He has also attended many senior management and leadership programmes in Ghana and abroad.

The Board of uniBank (Ghana) Limited, in a statement, congratulated Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Jnr on his appointment and expressed the hope that he would bring his immense academic and professional expertise to bear on the growth and development of uniBank (Ghana) Limited.

GTBank declared “African Bank” of the Year

  Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank) has been adjudged the 2013 African Bank of the Year by the African Banker Magazine, which recognizes financial institutions across the continent for their leadership role and commitment to good corporate governance practices, exceptional service delivery and innovative products.

The 2013 African Banker Awards event took place recently in Marakech, Morocco, and awarded banks in Africa that have repeatedly reported strong financial performance and contributed considerably to the quality of service in the financial industry within their respective countries and across Africa.

The Publisher of the African Banker Magazine, Omar Ben Yedder, commenting on GTBank’s Award stated; "We are delighted that Guaranty Trust Bank Plc has won this award. GTBank has consistently played a leading role in banking. Prudently run, with strong values, it continues to set new standards in banking. Its successful foray in international markets reflects strong fundamentals of a leading institution in Africa”.

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the GTBank Group, Segun Agbaje has attributed the bank's recognition and the award to hard work, discipline and a well defined operating strategy that enables it provide the utmost in customer expectations at all times.

He explained that customer satisfaction and service excellence are at the core of the group’s business and that GTBank would continue to involve and partner with all stakeholders to institute innovations that allow the bank to provide services that surpass customer expectations and needs.

According to Managing Director of GTBank (Ghana) Limited, Lekan Sanusi, this additional recognition is an affirmation of GTBank’s superiority in delighting its customers. “It all boils down to doing things right and ensuring that customers, shareholders and all other stakeholders are provided with the utmost service delivery and results”, he mentioned.

“For us here in Ghana, this award certainly confirms that we are part of a strong group and it provides further attestation to our customers and the general public that they can continue to rely on us”, Mr. Sanusi added.

The 2013 African Bank of the Year award comes to augment similar awards in recent times recognizing GTBank’s superiority in the industry on the continent.

A KPMG Africa-wide Customer Satisfaction Survey Report for 2012 also named Guaranty Trust Bank (Ghana) Limited, its Sierra Leone counterpart and GTBank Plc, Nigeria as the Most Customer Focused Bank in their respective countries, making the group dominant in this area across West Africa.

The GTBank brand is regarded by industry watchers as the best run financial institution across its subsidiary countries and serve as role models within the financial service industry due to its bias for world class corporate governance standards, excellent service quality and innovation.

1st Ghana HR Conference and Excellence Awards launched

The HR Focus magazine, in partnership with the Institute of Human Resource Practitioners, Ghana (IHRMP), has launched the 1st Ghana HR Conference and Excellence Awards in Accra.

This comes as part of efforts by IHRMP and the HR Focus magazine to enhance the promotion of best practice in human resource management in Ghana.

Under the theme, “Achieving Excellence through Human Resource Optimization,” the event seeks to achieve the following objectives in both the public and private sector;

* To identify, recognize and honour organizations which have built up a tradition of best practices in Human Resource Management

* To bring HR best practice culture to the awareness of corporate Ghana and the Ghanaian public.

In an interview with Mrs. Ellen Hagan, Chief Executive of L’AINE Services Ltd. (publishers of the HR Focus Magazine), said a technical committee has been appointed by the Organizing Committee of the Ghana HR Conference and Excellence Awards to carry out the initial assessment and final selection of award winners.

Mr. Ebenezer Agbettor, Executive Director of IHRMP also added that the selection of winners would be authenticated by an Independent Award Monitoring Official or Auditor from Deloitte and Touche Consulting.

The criteria for selection of award winners, information on award categories and nomination forms have been provided on the events website:

The 1st Ghana HR Conference and Excellence Awards is scheduled to take place at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel from 4th to 5th October, 2013.

Leyla Ghobadi Tweets at Kim Kardashian: Blame Kanye!

Leyla Ghobadi has come out and directly addressed Kim Kardashian.

Yes, after spilling her scandalous guts to Star and claiming she slept with Kanye West in the past few months, the Canadian model has taken to Twitter and given Kim the world's most half-hearted apology.

“Sorry,” Ghobadi wrote. “Maybe I went about this the wrong way but how else am I meant to get thru?"

The 24-year old added: “I am NOT the bad guy in this situation, nothing more 2 say.”

But then, naturally, she said more.

In light of Kanye denying the affair, Ghobadi went ahead and doubled down on her story.

Via Radar Online, she now says West "was aggressive in his pursuit“ and: "I admit I didn’t have to do it – I got caught up in the situation. I used to idolize him.”

And if you believe the rapper over the model?

"To the haters –u don’t know s**t about the situation," Leyla Tweeted. "Everyone else who’s being supportive; thank you.”

Lead Counsel for the Petitioners Lawyer Philip Addison "He dose not trust Legal teams of the Respondents nor their Witness"

Lead Counsel for the Petitioners, Lawyer Philip Addison, wore his heart on his sleeve on Wednesday when he openly told the Nine Justices of the Supreme Court adjudicating on the election petition suit that he does not trust legal teams of the Respondents nor their Witness "one bit" to leave a document belonging to the petitioners in their custody.

The drama unfolded when Lawyer Philip Addison requested that Dr. Afari Gyan return a document he handed over to him for identification. Dr Afari Gyan had earlier identified the document to be the voters register for Adaklu Constituency but said he cannot be sure if this was the same register given to the NPP.

Counsel then asks if witness is doubting the authenticity of the register before him. Dr Afari Gyan then pleaded with the court to allow him keep the petitioners’ document and cross-check with the copy in the custody of the Electoral Commission before answering questions on it.

He promised to return it tomorrow (Thursday) morning.

Counsel for the Petitioners resists saying he will not allow witness to take the register home. He then proceeded to demand that his copy be returned to him and said he would instead give the witness an electronic copy.

Counsel for the EC, Quarshie-Idun also stepped in and asked what Mr. Addison was afraid of in leaving the document with the second respondents. Quarshie-Idun also insisted that the document be marked for identification before being given to Dr. Afari-Gyan.

But Lawyer Addison vowed that he would not allow witness for the second respondent to take away the document if the court was not ready to keep it in its custody.

The court could not understand the reason behind this demand and enquired from counsel.

Lawyer Addison then revealed why.

“They seem not to trust me and they want me to trust them; I don’t trust them one bit…the document can be in the custody of the Court, I will not let them take this document away...I don’t trust them one bit. One bit, I don’t," he blurted.

Justice Vida Akoto Bamfo then drew Mr. Addison’s attention to his choice of language and asked if it was not sad that he made those comments before the court.

He explained the reason behind his harsh criticism on his learned colleagues stating that their attitude triggered him to use such words.

“Well, My Lord I have said what has not been said, their attitude. I wanted my document, look at their attitude they put up here, it’s so sad. I’m sad. That they should even think that I’ll take this document and because I’ve doctored it. Really?...” replied Addison.

Justice Baffoe Bonnie also attempted to calm nerves.

"Mr. Addison, you were a few minutes ago talking about the shifting of the goalpost. You see, you are seeking to put this document in evidence and asking questions on it and the witness says, I want to check and compare. So if you decide to take the document back, what is he going to compare with? What is he going to be comparing with?" he asked.

But Mr. Addison would not be moved as he replied, "that is why, if your lordship will recall, yesterday, for the avoidance of all this and this kind of petty mistrust I said they should bring their document, they should bring their register and they didn’t accept it. You see, to avoid all these doubts I said bring yours, if your lordship will recall that was my request yesterday. They refused and I have brought this and look at all this doubt that is being created. Now it is that they want the soft copy, so I said bring me back the document I’ll bring you the soft copy.

He again repeated his distrust of the Respondents by saying: “…I do not think that I will leave it with this Witness, they have been so untruthful throughout this proceedings, I don’t trust them one bit”.

Baffoe Bonnie sharply rebukes Mr. Addison, who, by then, was entangled in a chat-back with the Bench, by asking him to “please listen to me; when I’m talking you have to keep quiet”.

"…Please listen to me, when I’m talking you have to keep quiet. You see this message has been delivered so many times. Whatever you say, is to the bench. If you say you don’t trust, if you use any negative words, they impact negatively on the bench, so you shouldn’t be using those words, that is clear and simple. I don’t see why you don’t get it. I mean these…What, what, what can we be doing here if we have to be throwing words at each other? We can’t achieve anything. The people of Ghana want the truth and justice so if you have any… if you don’t trust them, this is not the way of going about it, keep it to yourself, this whole thing is being broadcast live and then the whole international community get to know that this is the language that is being used in the Ghanaian courts? I mean, clearly it’s wrong,” Justice Baffoe Bonnie averred.

Lawyer Addison quickly replies in protest saying far more serious and derogatory comments had been made by counsel for the respondents in previous sittings which did not attract the opprobrium of the Bench and made reference to a comment by counsel for the NDC, Tsatsu Tsikata, imputing ‘criminality’ to the petitioners.

“Well My Lord, I hear you except to say that far serious and stronger words have been used in this courtroom without any comment from the Bench; criminality has been used to apply to us, not a word came from anywhere,” Lawyer Addison said.

The President of the Bench, William Atuguba then stepped in and cautioned Lawyer Addison to refrain from impugning the integrity of the judges. He defended the rulings of the Court by saying "Now, let us say this, it’s not everything that the bench must specifically comment upon. Sometimes a general statement is made that covers what has arisen. If it comes and no complaint is made or it passes we feel that ok…,

"We’ve always said that lawyers appearing, both at common law and all the statutes required of the legal profession act, are officers of the court. We have those powers to deal with the conduct of any lawyer appearing before us, so many – we can walk you out, we can deal with you for contempt, we can refer you to the disciplinary committee – all these are ample powers. But we feel that power is for the benefit of human beings and not for its sake… If you feel that we are failing in our duty and we start punching then that is not our fault. So ok, finally, and all you here are our witnesses, the slate, for the final time has been wiped clean. Let’s proceed."
Source: Chris Joe Quaicoe/

Kanye West's Grammy Stats: He Definitely Does Have More Than Anyone His Age

Kanye West has always had a rather complicated relationship with award shows, though nothing really comes close to the decade-long Cold War he's waged against the Grammys.

It all started when his early production work was overlooked by voters and flared up when West lost Best New Artist to Maroon 5 in 2005. The War also included an improbable feud with Vince Gill in '08, and a declaration from West the following year that he didn't want to win any more Grammys, "because [he has] 10, and that's a perfect number." In the years since, he's boycotted the show to hang out in Brazil with Will Smith, and told the Recording Academy, rather matter-of-factly, to "suck [his] d---." So, yeah, there appears to be no détente in sight.

'Ye's main bone of contention with the Grammys seems to center around the Album of the Year category, which he's never won and, in recent years — despite releasing critically lauded works like My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Watch the Throne — hasn't even been nominated for. Or at least that's what he says in his fanatical, free-wheeling interview with The New York Times, where he weighs in on a lot of subjects, including his AOTY snubs.

"[My Beautiful] Dark [Twisted] Fantasy and Watch the Throne — neither was nominated for Album of the Year, and I made both of those in one year," West said. "The thing is, I don't care about the Grammys; I just would like for the statistics to be more accurate. ... I don't want them to rewrite history right in front of us. At least, not on my clock."

And while he's correct about neither of those albums being nominated, West also claimed that he's never won a Grammy "against a white person," which needs some clarification. Turns out, he's done this a couple times, including the 52nd Grammys, where "Run This Town" bested "I'm on a Boat" by the Lonely Island — who are so white they're nearly translucent — for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration. And there were the 54th annual awards, where "All of the Lights" bested the likes of Eminem, Skylar Grey and Modest Mouse (credited as songwriters on Lupe Fiasco's "The Show Goes On") to win Best Rap Song.

Of course, we suspect that West may have meant he's never won a Grammy in a "non-urban" category, which, rather incredibly, is true: He's 0-for-3 in Album of the Year as a solo artist (and 0-for-2 as a producer on other nominated albums), 0-for-3 in Song of the Year, and 0-for-1 in Record of the Year. And, as you already know, he lost Best New Artist ... so, maybe he's got a reason to be upset.

West also told the Times that he has "the most Grammys of anyone my age," and, though he prefaced that claim with "I don't know if this is statistically right," turns out, 'Ye's statistically spot-on. He's 36 years old, and already has 21 Grammy wins to his name, a number that puts him sixth on the all-time list, trailing only the likes of U2, Stevie Wonder, Quincy Jones and Alison Krauss. He's six years younger than his mentor, Jay-Z, and yet, has four more Grammys, and unless Alicia Keys (14 wins at 33 years of age) and Beyoncé (17 wins at 31 years of age) go on monumental winning streaks, well, Kanye's claim appears to be safe.

Kanye's 51 Grammy nominations are also the fourth-most of any artist, and Jones' all-time mark of 79 is certainly within reach; meaning that, perhaps it's time for West to put all the bad blood behind him and make peace. We wouldn't hold our breath, of course. @pacdont

Will Kelly Rowland Be A Harsh 'X Factor' Judge? Little Mix Weigh In!

Little Mix know how fierce Kelly Rowland is. The U.K. girl group got to know the former Destiny's Child member far before she landed a spot on the U.S. "X Factor" judging panel when she was a judge on the U.K. version of the show.
"She's a really good judge," Perrie Edwards told MTV News, adding that even though she wasn't their judge, she was always there to give them advice. "She's such a lovely, lovely person. She's just amazing and she's lovely to look at as well when you're singing. She's beautiful."

Asiedu Nketia & Kwabena Adjei Show Of Their Azonto Skills

The two leading Members of the National Democratic Show Off Their Dancing skills at the 21st Anniversary celebration.

Richard Kingson "I WILL BE BACK IN ACTION"

Veteran goalkeeper Richard Kingston says he has no doubt he will find a new club in Europe next season.

The 34 year old has remained clubless since he was released by English football side Blackpool two seasons ago.

Richard Kinston who has had stints with English sides Wigan, Birmingham City and Galatasaray in Turkey is confident he will find a new club next season and return to active football after some rigorous training over the last two years.

“I’m training and I have a personal goalkeeper’s trainer so I’m training hard”, he told Joy sports

“I want o play in Europe and my agent is really working hard to get me a club there next season.

“My agent has told me many clubs are interested in me and so we are working together and hopefully I will get a club next season”.

Essien: I don’t mind playing anywhere for Chelsea

Ghana international Michael Essien has stated that he does not mind playing anywhere in his return to Chelsea under Jose Mourinho.

Essien was reduced to a bench warmer under Chelsea’s double-winning coach Roberto Di Mateo after a serious knee injury, but was offered a lifeline at Real Madrid by then manager Mourinho which has seen him bounce back.

‘The Bison’ opined he is ready to feature anywhere in the Blues setup after having played at the back and sometimes midfield at Santiago Bernabeu.

“I don’t mind playing anywhere for Chelsea under Jose Mourinho,” Essien told Goal. “I am always positive and I will work hard and make myself always available for him.”

“Where I play doesn’t matter just put me on the pitch and I will do the business for the club. I don’t have much to prove. I have done it all, so I just go out there, work hard and win games.”

Mourinho brought Essien to Chelsea in a 24.4 million Pounds deal from Lyon during his first stint at the Stamford Bridge and the Ghanaian quickly became a key part in his setup.

Though a natural midfielder, Essien has played every position on the pitch under ‘The Special One’ except goalkeeping and he has excelled due to his versatility.

Andre And Jordan Ayew Announce Return To Black Stars

Andre Ayew and brother Jordan Ayew have returned to the Black Stars.

Midfielder Andre Ayew has confirmed he and his brother Jordan have returned to the Black Stars after a crisis meeting with Ghana President John Mahama on Tuesday.

Sports Minister Elvis Afriyie-Ankrah and Ghana FA Vice President Fred Crentsil were also inside the meeting held at the Flagstaff House, the seat of government, in Accra.

The fruitful discussion will see the Olympique Marseille duo available for selection for Ghana’s final Brazil 2014 World Cup qualifier against Zambia at home.

Andre quit the national team claiming he was unhappy over some of the management members of the team.

The 23-year-old was axed from Ghana’s 2013 Africa Cup of Nations squad after failing to report early at their pre-tournament camping base in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

His brother Jordan simultaneously rendered in his resignation insisting he wants to be guaranteed first team place after being excluded from the squad.

Arsene Wenger To Swap Gervinho For Andre Ayew

Ghana midfielder Andre Ayew could join Arsenal in a move that will see Gervinho move in the opposite direction.

Famous French newspaper L’Equipe has reported the Arsenal manager is ready to allow the Ivorian to leave in order to pave the way for him to sign his man.

Wenger has courted Ayew in recent years without success but now believe to be pushing hard to a deal to scale through.

Olympique Marseille sporting director Jose Anigo is believed to be a huge admirer Gervinho and has on several occasions attempted to sign him without success.

Marseille are not all that financially sound and cannot afford Gervinho’s yearly wage of 3.4 million Pounds so they will add money to Ayew to get the Ivorian and subsidise the wage.

Muntari's Younger Brother Muniru Shops With Samuel Eto'o

Younger brother of Ghana midfielder Sulley Muntari was spotted in Italy shopping with Cameroon legend Samuel Eto'o.

The youngster who plays for Romanian side CFR Cluj got back to Milan after the season and went shoping with Eto'o who is a cult figure at Inter Milan.

Eto'o played with Muniru's senior brother Muntari at Inter.

Eto'o was spotted with his kid - a baby girl.
