Friday, July 12, 2013

11 Arrested Over Indian Hemp At Kotoka

Eleven persons believed to be employees of the perishable cargo unit of the Kotoka International Airport, have been arrested in connection with a shipment of fruits found to contain 250kg of Indian hemp.

The Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) arrested the 11 persons immediately the substances were discovered.

The arrested persons were said to be on duty on the night the items were scanned for shipment.

Citi FM has learnt from a reliable security source that the fruits were scanned through the Air Ghana scan machine at the perishable cargo centre.

The presence of the scanner at the cargo area has been a concern to the security apparatus for some time, the source indicated to Citi FM.

According to sources, it was the suspicion of the BNI about the machine that led to further inspection of the shipment which lead to the discovery.


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